Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Finding Strength in the Face of Adversity

"Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."

--Psalm 23

This morning, I read on Facebook that someone missed the America of September 12.  I was hooked immediately and had to read more.  The post spoke of what America was like on this day 17 years ago....the day AFTER the most tragic day this country has seen in my lifetime.  On 9/11 we were shocked to the core and our lives changed forever.  On 9/12 we didn't care if each other was black or white, male or female, young or old, Christian or Jewish or Buddhist....we were all AMERICANS, and we were united like I've never seen in my 45 years.  Flags flew everywhere.  Pride swelled.  There were parades.  George Bush launched a military offensive that was no doubt hell on earth for those on the receiving end.  And in the face of adversity, America found strength to go on.  

Hurricane Florence is a few hundred miles off the east coast.  It's probably going to destroy a lot of stuff.  Homes.  Cars.  Boats.  Lives.  We saw it here in Andalusia with Hurricane Opal in 1995.  We've seen it along the Gulf Coast in general with names like Katrina, Ivan, Frederick, and Camille.    I remember seeing the high water mark from Ivan once at Waterville water park in Gulf Shores and just marveling to think there could be water, that deep, as far as you could see in all directions!  But we rebuilt and America found the strength to go on.  

On Monday, I took my mother to a neurosurgeon.  She was potentially looking at a fourth surgery on her back/neck.  The surgeon was honest enough with her to tell her that while he could fix her problem, the "fix" might cause other problems.  When I talked to her last night, she said, referring to her pain management plan, "well, if surgery will just make it worse, I will just have to tough it out."  Mind. Blown.  Back pain SUCKS, and my mom will find strength to go on.  

A friend of mine was recently telling me about how he is dealing with some health issues and they sounded quite serious.  At one point he said "there is a difference between fact and truth.  The fact is that I'm in pain.  The truth is that God's still in control and that overrides everything."  I could only shake my head in awe of such trust.  

What is it that makes us carry on in the face of adversity?  

That's not rhetorical...I actually want to know.  I want to know so I can bottle it and store it in my pantry...and get it when needed and pour it on my cornflakes!  Hurricanes.  Attacks.  Pain.  Suffering.  They come and they come and they come...and we continue to get up and go after it again and again, and that amazes me!  

The human spirit is absolutely, completely amazing.  I don't understand it completely, but it has made mankind do some remarkable things.  Things like going to the moon.  Things like climbing Everest.  Things like winning WW2.  Things as "simple" as deciding to just endure the pain of an aging back...

Just exactly what is it that makes that ant think has move a rubber tree plant?!?  (You may not know that song...if not, just keep

I think there is, in all of us, an overwhelming sense of the eternal.  We know we are meant for more.  And I think that's what drives us...the idea that there is something worth the effort.  Beethoven believed he'd conquer his deafness, even if it didn't happen until Heaven.  That's stout!  I used to believe I'd never conquer KSW's chemistry class, but somehow made it out.  

In the most recent Rocky film, Rocky Balboa tells his son that what makes a great fighter is his willingness to continue to get up EVERY time life knocks him down.  I like to tell me son that what really matters isn't so much the screw-up, but what you do next after you screw up.  

It is our response to adversity that defines us.  

Among mortal authors, I think Anne Frank tops the charts.  She said "despite everything, I still think people are good at heart."  Really, Anne???  Really????? Even the Nazis who were trying to destroy your entire culture???? Yep.  Really.  She believed that.  There are no words.  Just awe.  

I hope you rise to meet your challenge.  Doesn't matter whether it's going off to war...or going off to copy tests in another building in a rainstorm...persevere! 

As Todd Beamer said just moments before becoming immortal..."Let's roll!"

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